Reflections - Coffee Pot Poetry 3

Coffee Pot Poetry

Spence yawned. “I’m too sleepy to compose a poem.” He still measured the coffee and
poured the water in the coffee maker at night to fortify Charlie with his morning cup of
joe. Creative juices flowing, Charlie scribbled more Coffee Pot Poetry.
Poems Fresh as Dewy Roads
Poems fresh as dewy roads
Lie stuck upon the lawn
Mired like a fog-horn toad
They’ll never see the dawn
Kitties Come a Calling
Kitties come a calling
Almost nightly it would seem
Hunting for their kibble
Lost inside a hunger dream
Nothing here but veggies
It's a disappointing rout
Better luck the next time
Maybe something then to count
Granite Grains of Gritty Gray
Granite grains of gritty gray
Aligned along the sea
Brought by boisterous breezy braying
Feeling far from free
The Ever Anxious Cats of Troy
The ever anxious cats of Troy
Set sail upon the waves
Their home destroyed by cunning ploy
Now lost within the weeds
But kittens bold can blaze a boat
Across the ocean waves
And find a song the bards once wrote
Of hope for better days