Sunday, May 5, 2024

 Reflections - Remnants of Fire

Remnants of Fire on iTablet

Alana Lorens, aka Babs Mountjoy, a friend and member of the Meadville Vicinity Pennwriters (MVP),  made an offer too good to refuse. She gave a “free read” to anyone in our MVP group who would review her paranormal fiction novel Remnants of Fire. I accepted. But I—gulp—needed my son Charlie’s help because Babs sent a reviewer’s code for an ebook. 

Charlie guided me through signing up for Smashwords, downloading the book, installing a book app onto the iTablet, and loading Babs’s book onto the app. Phew. I didn’t need a bookmark. The computer remembered which page I closed the tablet on each night. Modern times!

To my surprise, I recognized the first chapter. This triggered the exciting climax in my mind and reintroduced me to a number of already familiar characters. Babs had submitted several chapters of the novel to MVP for feedback before she moved to North Carolina. I had an advantage of knowing more than the POV narrator Sara—like which character she would get together with at the end. I enjoyed watching the romance evolve because most of the chapters were new to me.

I also enjoyed the techniques Babs used to let Sara solve the mysterious deaths of vibrant young women, like herself, who died for no reason except they seem to let go. Throughout the novel Sara never knows who she can trust—not even herself. That characters look so young and vital is a clue.

A Book Store Review

Tense Yet Fun

Investigating strange deaths, newspaper reporter Sara Woods fights for her own life. Alana Lorens crafts a page turning thriller with Sara unable to trust anyone, not even herself. Paranormal fiction readers won’t want to miss the creative climax. Romantics will be satisfied too.