Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Reflections - Sherian

Jane Shasta Daisy

Sherian Biggs

January 10, 1947 - July 24, 2024

Sherian had an independent spirit. Her house was immaculate. Folks could have eaten off her garage floor. And she always had a candy dish—appropriate for the holiday or season—filled with treats for her beloved grandchildren and visitors.

She served as township supervisor for more than two decades and secretary-treasurer for many of those years. Her account books had so few mistakes they were easy for me, a neophyte auditor, to audit. 

Because Spence and I were two of the small number of registered Democrats in the township, she drove to our house in a snowstorm to collect our signatures for her ballot petition. She knocked on the door and said, “You have to promise not to tell Kathy I got stuck in your driveway.” Spence shoveled her car out. He chuckled about promising not to tell Sherian’s sister Kathy, but of course he did—years later at Sherian’s funeral.

And Sherian mentored me on collecting signatures for getting on the ballot. I had better weather. 

I have missed her as a secretary ever since she resigned.

Spence gave me a Jane Shasta Daisy plant for my birthday, the day Sherian died. Since Jane Austen was also buried on a July 24, we’re planting the daisy in the side yard to honor Sherian.