Sunday, January 4, 2015

Reflections on the Second Week of Winter


With 2014 rolling into 2015, I reflected on endings and beginnings. I removed sand dollars, bird ornaments, and lights from the Christmas tree. The undecorated white fir didn't look forlorn. The three foot tree looked cute and fresh. We planted it in a pre-dug hole by the driveway. While we tucked soil around the root ball, the mail lady brought a package of red wrigglers. Spence assembled the worm factory he gave me for Christmas. I chopped fallen leaves, radish tips, and onion ends. Mixed with coffee grounds, the discards became food to fuel worm castings for fertilizing plants. A more significant event was the rehab center deciding Mom wasn't making enough progress so she'd be discharged Thursday. Having a week to find appropriate help pressured my brother. Mom wasn't pressured. She was upset. “They're kicking me out because I'm failing therapy. What do they expect from a 92 year old?” At the same time, she was happy to be going home. “It's my house. I should be able to live there if I want.” Endings morph into beginnings. Life is a series of cycles.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the ending picture of icy-waters. It goes well with the endings and beginnings theme of your post. I chuckled that your mom failed physical therapy. Sometimes old bones and muscles do not respond as they ought or we wish.
